This one really does scare the bejesus out of me, but at the same time it sounded kinda fun, so I've gone ahead and signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). All participants are required to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, throughout the month of November. Am more than a bit apprehensive, but will give it a go anyway ... ;)
Here's the link, just in case you fancy having a stab at this yourself ...
08/10/10 - Update
I'm so pleased to be able to say that today, completely out of the blue, an idea for a story popped into my head, and I somehow managed to get it all written down in note form before it disappeared again. It's your typical chick-lit gubbins unfortunately, but this is the first time that I've ever had a clear idea for a complete novel in my head, and I really do feel that seeing it through it will be the best way for me to complete this task. It may turn out to be utter rubbbish, but my biggest fear was not having any idea of what to write come November 1st, and just sitting there in a blind panic - now at least I have something to work with and get my teeth into :)
01/11/10 - Update
Well, today's the day that I can finally begin my novel ... and yet I have no urge to write! That'll hopefully come as the day goes on though - can't bear the thought of having nothing written several days in. Wish me luck, cos I'm gonna need it! :(
12/11/10 - Update
I did make a start, I promise ... but I really haven't got much further than that, with a grand total of just 3664 words at the almost-halfway point. It's not really looking good, but I have excuses - namely having been away for a few days this week, and also feeling quite poorly with yet another bad cold just recently. I certainly haven't given up completely though, and aim to have at least made it to
half a NaNo novel by the end of the month, if not the whole thing!